Application of Type Cooperative Learning Models Group Investigation (GI) in Improving Competence Learning Biology Student School

Yenni Anas, Hardeli ., Azwir Anhar, Ramadhan Sumarmin


The problem of biology learning is learning activities centered on the teacher, the students only listen without stimulus, so that the activity and competence of student learning outcomes is low. Learning model that can encourage students to interact actively is cooperative learning type Group Investigation (GI). The purpose of this research is to know the process of improving students' biology learning competence through the application of cooperative type GI learning. This research is a classroom action research conducted 3 cycles. The data of the research results were collected through the evaluation of cognitive competence, affective observation sheet, and psychomotor students. The result of the research shows that cooperative learning of GI type can increase the competence of student cognitive aspect that is in cycle I is: 63,33, cycle II: 83,33 and cycle III: 86,67. Result of observation of affective competence, cycle I is: 60,32, cycle II: 70,13 and cycle III: 75,60 and result of competency psychomotor aspect of cycle I is: 76,67, cycle II: 83,37 and cycle III: 87.80. Of the three cycles, students' learning competencies are categorized well. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that there is improvement of students' biology learning competence through the application of cooperative learning model of Group Investigation (GI) type.


Group Investigation, Competence Learning Biology

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