Philosophical And Methodological Aspects Of The Scientific Picture Of The World And The Humanization Of Science

Emine Mustafaevna Izzetova, Yekaterina Vladimirovna Li


In the modern intellectual question analysis of the humanitarian fields of scientific knowledge is indicated as an important philosophical problem. The fundamental intentions of the cultural development of the 21st century intersect at this point: on the one hand, there is an awareness of the loss of spirituality, and on the other, the indication of science as the highest human value. Science, entering into the mysteries of space, living matter and the human body, creates rise to acute social, ideological, methodological and humanistic problems concerning the individual and social aspects of man. The large amounts of scientific knowledge development should be combined with humanistic ideals, otherwise it is sure to give rise to further discord to the human condition and the world of culture. Next natural question arises in the problem of humanizing science context: "What should be the peak of scientific knowledge in order to avoid further mismatch between man and nature, society, science and humanitarian ideals?" As a result, the task arose to supplement the analysis of scientific aspects of cognition with an analysis of its synergetic, existential, axiological components. It is necessary to consider cognition not only as discovering the objective truth apart from man or from mankind, and also as part of the human-species, containing valuables that act to determine the human genuineness. With this in view, we will consider how the ideal of science is changing, leading from principle ontology when the most significant value for the cognizing subject is the world in itself, to taking into account the subjective conditions under which principles of new knowledge are gained. The evolution of the paradigm of science and the scientific picture of the world is shown. This evolution goes through three stages: classical, non-classical and post-non-classical.


Science, Culture, World Picture, Scientific Picture Of The World, Humanistic Ideal, Ethics, Synergistic Paradigm, Classical Picture Of The World, Nonclassical, Post-Nonclassical,

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