The Analysis of Biology’s Learning Process on Respiratory System of Human in Grade Viii of Mtsn Keliling Danau Subdistrict, Kerinci Regency

Wahilman Syahmi, Abdul Razak, Azwir Anhar, Ramadhan Sumarmin


Learning process which was done in MTsN Keliling Danau Subdistrict, Kerinci regency had influencial toward the students’ achievement such as lack of students’ comprehending  about Respiratory System of Human. It caused low of stuents’ achievement. The purpose of this reseach was to know how the learning process in MTsN Keliling Danau subdistrict, includes : planning, learning activity and evaluating. The type of this research was descriptive research by using descriptive method. The research was conducted at grade VIII of MTsN Keliling Danau Subdistrict, Kerinci Regency. They are  included at grade VIIIa of MTsN Danau Kerinci and grade VIIIc of MTsN Koto Dian. The data of this research was conducted through observation, interview, documentation, and questionnaire. The result shown that lesson plan which is implemented by the teachers was not totally suitable  with the Permendiknas No. 41,  2007. Based on IPKG, the teacher's planning was categorized enough. Implementation of learning which was done by teachers  was not suitable with the RPP made by teachers. Based on IPKG,  the implementation of the learning (learning activity) by the teachers was categorized enough. The evaluation’s result that was done by the teacher was not suitable with evaluation standard based on permendiknas No. 41, 2007. Based on IPKG,  the implementation of the learning (learning activity) by the teachers was categorized middle. From the result of this research can be inferred that  the learning process of Biology in Respiratory system of human at MTsN Keliling Danau subdistrict, Kerinci Regency was not done optimally.


Biology Learning Process, Human Respiratory System .

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