Corrections Granulométriques Des Latérites Par Des Graveleux Latéritiques Et Du Sable Grossier En Vue D’optimiser La Durabilité Des Routes En Terre Dans Les Agglomérations Des Environs Proches De La Ville D´Antananarivo Madagascar Rakotomalala
Abstract – The main objective of the research work carried out within the framework of this publication is to characterize the material red soil from a granulometric point of view in order to optimize the possible uses of the red soil in road construction with a view to its sustainability. We took samples of laterites in 5 cardinal points in the vicinity near the region of Analamanga which are: in the center, the sample called VNT; to the south, the ALA sample; to the west, the BEV sample; to the east, the MNK sample; and, in the North, the AMB sample. We performed tests and analyzes with the intact laterite samples to reflect the actual behavior of the red earths at the sampling sites. Laboratory tests met all required standards. Other standardized tests and analyzes were also carried out on the laterite samples to determine their nature and characteristics and their classifications. Since our work focuses a lot on particle size analyzes, we followed the operating protocols dictated according to standards NF P18-560 and NF P94-057. Series of granulometric analyzes were then carried out to verify the conditions of use of laterites in the construction of earth roads using granular spindle curves for earth roads. Grain size corrections are thus applied by substituting part of the laterite with gravelly lateritic and coarse sand. The grading correction of a soil is necessary when its grain size curve is not well included in the spindle or is at the upper or lower limits of the spindle. This is due to a lack or excess of grain in the soil. The correction then consists in compensating for these differences by adding another aggregate until a mixture is obtained with the desired qualities. According to the GTR 92 classification (NF P 11 300 Standard), all samples belong to class A, class of fine soils. The laterites used as base and foundation layers are corrected with 40% lateritic gravels. For the construction of earth tracks, the correction is made with a 40% substitution of coarse sand. The sample containing a high proportion of fine, like the ALA sample, does not meet the criteria for construction use, neither as a foundation layer, nor as a base layer, nor for an earth track, because from the granulometric point of view, the corresponding curve is not included in the granular zones for the different layers of the dirt road. The other four samples (VNT, AMB, MNK, BEV) can be used in earth road construction because their corrected grain size curves are in the spindles, some of which are at the upper limit. However, an excess of fine elements is always noticed after the corrections, one can then consider the stabilization of the laterites corrected with hydraulic binders during implementation.
Keywords – Grain Size Correction, Laterites, Gravelly Lateritic, Dirt Road
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