Toponyms Formed On The Basis Of Nation Names

Bayramali Ergashovich Kilichev, Maftuna Zoir Qizi Safarova


Ethnonyms are the sources that can demonstrate the history, way of life, national language, belief, cultural and spiritual life, worldview of each nation. To explore ethnonyms both gives information about the history of the nation and contains crucial linguistic information. The role of ethnonyms is important in order to comprehend the features of contemporary national language and express its linguistic possibilities. In Bukhara region there are a lot of toponyms that are appeared on the basis of ethnonyms. These ethnotoponyms show the life of people living in the area, cases of mixture with indigenous people and the region has had a long process of development. First of all, ethnotoponyms showcase the spread of Turkic tribes, geography of their areal stretch or the extension over the area. Furthermore, they express how other peoples and tribes appeared in the area of the region and their mixture with indigenous people. The following article draws some views about ethnotoponyms which are formed on the basis of nation names in Bukhara region and are used presently as names of a place among local people. Ethnotoponyms can be apparent as means that provide the existence of ethnic unity of the separate region.


Language Of The Nation, Name Of The Nation, Bukhara Region, Arab, Mongol, Kazakh, Turkmen, Afghan, Ethnonym, Rural Citizens 'Assembly (RCA), Makhalla Citizens' Assembly (MCA), Ethnic Group.

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