Riau Regional Water Police Personnel Transfer Information System

Fitri Ayu, Muhammad Giatman, Lela Sari, M Riski


In each agency or police organization, they often carry out a series of placement or transfer activities. Movements in a company or organization are made for certain interests of the company or its individual property. In this case, many members of the Riau Regional Water Police filed a transfer so that Pol Airut had difficulty determining which members had the right to be transferred. Currently the development of technology is very fast, computers are used not only as data processing but also as a solution to solving problems in various fields of science, one of which is the Riau Regional Water Police Transfer Information System. This system has added value in determining the transfer of members of the Riau Regional Water Police, because it can determine the transfer of members quickly, precisely and efficiently. Where previously the transfer process at the Riau Airut Police was only done manually where when filling in the data for the prospective transfer form, it needed a lot of space for file storage when data was needed, the administrative personnel had to find paper by unloading the pile of paper, of course this way of selling work becomes longer and inefficient.


Systems, Information, Personnel Movements, Functions.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v25.1.2726


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