Updates of Ovarian Cancer Therapy: Literature Review
Epithelial ovarian disease is often diagnosed in the advanced stage. The current state of the art of surgical and chemotherapy brings high incidence of complete remission; in any case, the recurrence rate is also high. In many patients, the disease eventually turns into a continuation of the symptoms of free time and recurrence episodes. Differential treatment-based approaches to adjacent therapies, now in use, provide assurance that we will turn ovarian malignancy into a manageable, chronic disease. In this review, we examine the prevalence of ovarian cancer treatment, the apparent late-term research into new forms of traditional medicine, and new approaches to rehabilitation, such as late investigations and early treatment issues. The latter include angiogenic therapies, polyADP-ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitors, growth factor signaling inhibitors, or folate receptor inhibitors, immunotherapeutic methods. We are also talking about the low cost of alternative therapies and the issue of better patient care options.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v24.2.2653
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