Cognitive Distributed Computing System for Intelligent Agriculture
This paper contains the obtained results in the research and design of cognitive systems with distributed computing and its applying in Intelligent Agriculture. Only some aspects of Intelligent Agriculture related to the organization of the irrigation process and the efficient use of water resources are approached. The functionality of the system is based on the development of a network of data processing nodes and local control of the water distribution process. The architecture of the distributed computing system presents a network of nodes with Mesh topology, in which the computing power is evenly distributed. Fuzzy logic models and Neural Networks are used as data processing and knowledge interpretation models. The paper presents: how to define the irrigation space for Smart Agriculture, mathematical models, the result of designing data processing and water distribution nodes, sequence diagram, and a case study that explains how the distributed computing system with cognitive properties works.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Silvia Munteanu, Viorica Sudacevschi, Victor Ababii, Rodica Branishte, Ana Turcan, Valeria Leashcenco

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