Validity of Students Worksheet Based Guided Inquiry with Diagram V on the Ecosystem Material and the Environment Influences for X Grade of Senior High School Students

Melsi Pratiwi Yusni, Zulyusri ., Linda Advinda


The preliminary interview with one of the teachers and two students showed that students’ worksheet had some weaknesses. It has not directly led the students to a problem, or it has not given a stimulus for the students. It also did not provide the columns for the investigation results and for concluding observation. Moreover, it has not led the students into scientific approach. In the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains, students got unsatisfying result. To deal with the problems, the students’ worksheet is developed based guided inquiry with diagram V.  The aim of the research is to show the process of developing students’ worksheet based guided inquiry with diagram V for the tenth grade students, which is valid, practical, and affective. The type of the research is development research using Plomp model. The development stages consist of the initial stage of investigation, the development stage or prototype stage, and the assessment phase. The instruments of data collection used are validity sheet, practicality sheet by teacher and students, observation sheet used by the reseacher to access the affective domain, psychomotor score sheet, multiple choices test to access the cognitive competence of the students. The result shows that students’ worksheet based guided inquiry with diagram V which is developed is valid, practical, and affectif. Therefore, it is able to be implemented in the wide scope.



Development, Guided Inquiry, Diagram V

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