Students’ Creative Thinking Skills at SMAN 1 Basa Ampek Balai
thinking skills are one of the 21st century skills that students must have. Based on the scores obtained by students on the research observation questionnaire at SMAN 1 Basa Ampek Balai, it is known that the creative thinking skills of class X IPA students are still low. The type of the research is descriptive research. The population in this study was all class X IPA students of SMAN 1 Basa Ampek Balai for the 2020/2021 school year. The sample in the study was determined using the Simple Random Sampling technique,where each class in the population had the same opportunity to be selected. The instrument has been validated beforehand with the validation results that are valid. The results showed that creative thinking skills were still low. This is because the teacher does not providestudents stimulate. So more attention that is needed to habituate activities that direct students to think creatively in class, either through training or with other activities that stimulate students' creative thinking.
Keywords: Creative Thinking Skills
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