Existence Of Traditional Nganta Kincauw Adat Villagepancuran Three, Kecamatan Keliling Lake, Kabupaten Kerinci, Jambi Province
The Nganta Kincauw tradition is the tradition of delivering ingredients for cooking during weddings. These cooking ingredients are called kincauw. Kincauw is like jackfruit, coconut, onions, and other cooking ingredients. Nganta Kincauw is performed one night before the wedding party is held by the man who will carry out the marriage and the kincauw is delivered to the woman who will carry out the marriage. This Nganta Kincauw is done by walking and parading from the house of the groom to the house of the bride.
This study aims to describe the implementation process of Nganta Kincauw, analyze the values and meanings contained in the Nganta Kincauw tradition, and analyze why the Nganta Kincauw tradition is still maintained by the people of Pancuran Tiga village. This research should serve as information material for all parties in the context of preserving the culture of the Kerinci area.
This research is a descriptive qualitative research. This research was conducted in Pancuran Tiga Village. The research informants consisted of traditional leaders, namely the Elders, Niniek Mamak, Former Depati Niniek Mamak, Village Heads, and the General Public who had experience and knew a lot about Nganta Kincauw. The average age characteristics of the informants in this study were 30 years and over with a total of 24 people. Data collection techniques by means of observation and in-depth interviews and documentation study. Meanwhile, data analysis used in this study is to use Spradley analysis.
From the research results, it was found that the Nganta Kincauw Tradition in Pancuran Tiga Village was carried out through a series of processes, starting from the preparation, implementation and final stages of Nganta Kincauw. The Nganta Kincauw tradition is still carried out and exists today in Pancuran Tiga Village, Keliling Danau District, Kerinci Regency, Jambi Province due to the awareness of the community to maintain and preserve this tradition by socializing the values contained in the Nganta Kincauw tradition and instilling those values. These values in people's daily lives, and also in the Nganta Kincauw tradition, contain values of kinship, social solidarity, respect and entertainment.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v24.2.2623
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