Ideological Pressure Of The Bolsheviks In The Turkestan Region
Bolsheviks, who came to power in the result of the revolution in Petrograd (Russia) on October 27, 1917, violently established Soviet rule in Turkistan also. Turkestan Mukhtoriyati (Turkestan Autonomous), an independent state proclaimed by the population of the country, was abolished by the Bolsheviks and replaced by soviet-type Turkestan ASSR. As a result, struggle for freedom against Bolsheviks started in the country and secret national-political organizations were established. As the majority of public administration personnel in the Turkestan ASSR were of European nationality, the system of office and document management was mainly carried out in the Russian language. State apparatus received a number of complaints regarding this matter. Even important documents sent to the respective places for execution have been denied as they were not understandable to local staff. In order to prevent this, localization policy which undermined bringing close state apparatus to local population, has been implemented. However, number of problems appeared in implementation of localization policy in the republic. The Russians residing in the Turkestan ASSR resisted the local population's public-management activity. As a result, there was not enough personal qualified among representatives of local population. The state administration was mainly comprised of Russians and other European nationals.
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