The Modernist-Conseptual Basics Of Public Service
A new period and stage of development of any state require, first and foremost, further improvement of the system of public administration in the light of modern requirements. In this sense, the Strategy of Actions is also mainly focused on the fundamental reformation of the state and public construction. This goal is important because it fully reflects the provisions of the concept “From a strong state – to a strong civil society” as the first priority area. Parliamentary commissions on ensuring guaranteed labor rights of citizens, youth issues and family and women’s issues have been established. During the year, they have been very active in open discussion of topical issues in the field of national and international cooperation.
The role of local Councils of people’s representatives in solving pressing local issues has been increased. The system of hearing the reports of the heads of local authorities has been introduced in a new, people-friendly way. Successful implementation of large-scale reforms at the current stage of the country’s development requires the creation of a completely new and effective system of public administration. Updates in this area began, first of all, with a revision of the activities of the organizational and legal structure of the state power and administration bodies and local authorities, their tasks and functions. In particular, within the framework of the Strategy of Actions, in order to implement new, advanced innovative, modern ideas in the system of public administration, the tasks of most ministries and departments were reconsidered, some of which were reorganized with improvements. A number of new ministries and agencies have been established to effectively address the problems accumulated in the relevant areas. This article analyses the current issues related with the rteforms conducted in the Republic of Uzbekistan based on the Strategy of Actions.
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