The Contribution Of School Leadership And Teacher Professional Competency To Teacher Work Commitments In Junior High School State, Sungai Penuh City

Resven Feres, Nurhizrah Gistituati, Hanif Alkadri


Based on the pre-survey in the field, it is illustrated that the work commitment of the junior high school teachers at Sungai Penuh City State is still low. This can be seen from the lack of seriousness of the teacher in carrying out their duties and responsibilities. It is feared that it will affect the achievement of learning objectives and on educational goals. Furthermore, the researcher suspects that the principal's leadership and teacher professional competence affect the work commitment of teachers at the Junior High School of Sungai Penuh City. Therefore it is necessary to do research to test the truth. This study aims to reveal the contribution of principal leadership and teacher professional competence to the work commitment of teachers in junior high schools in Sungai Penuh City State. The hypotheses proposed in this study: 1) principal leadership contributes to teacher work commitment, 2) teacher professional competence contributes to teacher work commitment, 3) principal leadership and teacher professional competence together contribute to teacher work commitment.

The population in this study were all junior high school teachers in Sungai Penuh City totaling 334 people. The sample in this study amounted to 98 people who were taken using the Stratified proportional random technique, taking into account the strata of class and gender. The research instrument used was a Likert scale mode questionnaire which had its validity and reliability tested. The research data were analyzed using correlation and regression techniques.

The results of the data research show that: 1) principal leadership contributes to teacher work commitment by 26,5%, 2) teacher professional competence contributes to teacher work commitment by 40%, 3) principal leadership and teacher professional competence collectively contributing to the work commitment of teachers by 52,3%. Furthermore, the results of the descriptive analysis reveal that the teacher's work commitment

The findings above imply that principal leadership and teacher professional competence are factors that have an influence on teacher work commitment, but there are still many other factors that influence teacher work commitment studied in this study.


School Leadership, Teacher Professional Competency, Teacher Work Commitments,Junior High School State, Sungai Penuh City

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