Analysis of Biological Science Literacy a Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) Class IX Junior High School Students at Solok Town

Jhoni Zhasda, Ramadhan Sumarmin, Zulyusri .


The Indonesian students' achievement of science literacy needs to develop, considering there is low degree of students' achievement of science literacy based on the research had done by PISA. This result shows that the Indonesian students achievement of science literacy was too apprehensive, and need a serious concern from sort of side. The score achievement of Indonesian students that in low degree reflects the Indonesian students' prestation in science is also in low degree. This research aims to analiyze the students' achievement of science literacy at PISA Biology test at State Junior Hight School at Solok Town. This research is a descriptive quantitative research. The kind of this research is survey and the data taken did by test, questionaire and interview with the student and teacher. The qustions of used of the qustions of Science Literacy PISA 2006 specially the Biology content thad had already translated into Indonesian. The population in this research are all students of class IX in state junior hight school in the city of Solok registered in the academic years 2016-2017.The sampling taken by using purposive sampling method. The research result show that the student , achievement of science literacy PISA in Biology subject at SMP Negeri 1 Kota Solok based on total score got very low degree that is 46,93%.


Scientific Literacy, Biology, PISA

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