The Creative Development’s Background for a Modern Teacher Within the Innovation Epoch
The article is devoted to the consideration of the theoretical aspects of studying the psychologically creative readiness of teachers for innovative activities. Psychological and pedagogical studies devoted to the study of this phenomenon are analyzed. An attempt has been made to identify the structure of the teacher's psychological readiness for innovative activity, which will make it possible to determine and develop psychological and pedagogical technologies for its formation among teachers. The concept of the level of pedagogical activity, which requires a restructuring of the motivational sphere of the teacher's personality, his value orientations, goals, attitudes, the hierarchy of external and internal stimuli, orientation, aspirations, interests, is also touched upon. Modern educational policy makes new demands not only on the content and technologies of teaching, but also, first of all, on the personality of the teacher.
The teacher is required to be able to realize and transform himself in the process of performing professional activities, to rethink his professional expectations, to feel his involvement in what is happening, to be able to see and predict the results of his work. Only such a teacher is able to solve the urgent problems facing modern education, to create effective pedagogical conditions for ensuring the spiritual and moral development and education of schoolchildren.
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