Implementing Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach (CTL) With the Puzzle Game to Increase the Competency of the Students Class VII 1 MTSN Koto Tangah Padang

Erza Nova, Abdul Razak, Lufri ., Ramadhan Sumarmin


The classroom action research based on the fact that the student’s competence were low in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects. The purpose of this research is to know the process in enhancing the students’ learning competencies Class VII 1. MTsN Koto Tangah in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects through implementation CTL approach with the puzzle game.This research was carried out in three cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, implementation, observation and reflection which began with early reflection before the first cycle. The subjects of this research are the students of class VII 1 which amounted to 38 peoples. Knowledge competence data is obtained from daily test results of participants at each end of the cycle. Affective competence data is obtained by using the instrument of affective observation sheet which includes curiosity affective and responsible affective. While skill competence data obtained by using instrument observation sheet skill include skill prepare report, display report and product performance.The results of the research are enhanced competence of learners after applied CTL approach with puzzle game. The increased cognitive competences in terms of the number of learners are thorough and incomplete based on the value of daily test at the end of the cycle. The number of students who completed the task increased from cycle I to cycle III of 32%. The average value of the first cycle test is 74.08 % and the third cycle is 85.13 %. The average attitude competence has increased from cycle I to cycle III. The highest average increase was in the attitude of curiosity which was 16,45% with very good category. Then followed by an increase in the attitude of responsibility that is equal to 14,69% with very good category. The average skill has increased from cycle I to cycle III. The highest mean improvement was reported on 13.85 % (excellent category) reporting skills, followed by 12.18 % (excellent category) product performance and 6,63 % (good category) report preparation skills. The result of observation in each cycle shows that there is a significant improvement after giving the action in the learning process, so that the observation result in cycle III is in good category and very good. The researchers suggest applying the Contextual Teaching and Learning approach with puzzle game on science learning.


The class action research, CTL, puzzle games, environmental of interaction.

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