Dynamics of the Universe and the Growth of Structures: Dark side of Special Relativity, Curvature and Space-Time
The special relativity explains how the matter transforms into energy. According to that matter can be generated with negative energy and matter can destroy with negative energy. The negative energy can be identified as dark energy. According to this matter generation, which is the process of black holes, emitting radiation from the quasar is the evidence. Matter generation as radiation matter. Matter destroying is the process of stars. The energy and dark energy get negated in the supernova and nova explosions. Stars emit the light by the speed of light is the evidence of the matter destroying process.
The matter creation process makes the universe grow and the matter destroying process makes the universe to shrink, combining this process makes the universe to curvature. Also, matter generation makes the universe expansion power of -ρc2 and matter destroying make the universe to compression power of ρc2. This makes state equation same as the curvature. Therefore k < 0 is for the expanding universe. When matter creation and matter destroying get equals, then k = 0 and flat universe results. After starting dying the matter generation process, k > 0 and compression universe results.
A black hole formed from anti-matter, which created with the positive matter, and created positive matter(the process of m = E/c2) attract to the black hole make a galaxy. Inflation is the period of the first step of matter generation. Then dark energy got inflationary expansion and positive energy get compression by the speed of light(E/c2 +(-E)). Created matter makes neutral atoms make the HI region. The matter makes a connection with dark energy make ionized matter and make the HII region. Then nebulas created in the HII region by dark energy and positive matter. Sufficient density of matter and dark energy formed a star and make the process of E= mc2 and negated in a supernova and nova explosions. The remaining matter creates dwarfs or neutron stars. Remaining dark energy creates pulsars.
Therefore special relativity theory of matter generation and matter destroying explain the universe how to origin and evaluation as well as why it is happening. It explains the dynamics of the universe especially expansion and compression and how it is happening. How the power for the universe created by matter generation and matter destroying. It also explains the inflation and collapse of the universe. It explains the universe's constitution of matter, anti-matter, energy, and dark energy. As well as it explains how the universe structures of galaxies and stellar and how those are evolved.
Therefor ultimate fate describes by matter generation and matter destroying is nothing, expanding, flat, compression, nothing, and yet another universe to begin again. Also, universe dynamics consist of complex scale factors. If the scale factor is real, then expansion related to the positive matter. If the scale factor is complex, then expansion related to the negative matter.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v24.1.2546
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