The Success Of Team Collaboration In Supporting Systems For Development Of Project Management Learning Model
The development of a learning model cannot be developed individually, without careful planning, strong leadership, effective and efficient organization, and continuous monitoring and evaluation. The success of a lesson is largely determined by the effectiveness, efficiency, and attractiveness of learning. The problem under study is how to determine several success criteria that affect collaboration from various parties as a supporting system in producing an effective, efficient, and attractive learning model at the Indonesia Naval Technology College (STTAL). The research method used is a combination method, a combination of qualitative and quantitative, with the process of collecting data through interviews and questionnaires to six experts in charge of developing learning models at the Indonesia Naval Technology College. Meanwhile, data analysis used Delphi and Borda techniques. The results showed that the six successes of collaboration in the formulation of learning models at the Naval College of Technology lie in the success of the team in building a shared commitment to one vision (17.4%), the intrinsic motivation that encourages a willingness to collaborate (12.5%). High Order Thinking (HOTS) ability (12.5%) which affects the accuracy in solving problems, managerial and leadership (10.3%) which affects the governance or project managerial ability, supporting infrastructure (9.6%), and budget (9%).
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