College Student’s Behavior At Diploma Program Of IPB In Searching Reference That Needed To Finish The Study And Thesis
The objective of this research was to know (1) the needs of reference for college students at Diploma Program of IPB; (2) how could the college student at Diploma Program of IPB fulfill their references material; and (3) the correlation between college student’s behavior and the fulfillment of references towards student’s academic achievement. The respondent of this research were the college students in the third and fifth semester on 17 Proficiency or Study Programs at Diploma Program of IPB which consisted of 1.329 students. Based on the regression analysis, it was found that the things that had a real influence on IPK were gender (X1), origin school (X3), laptop ownership (X7), social media access habit (X11), email access habit (X12), internet access to search an electronic book/journal (X15), internet access for amusement (X17), internet access to search news/information (X18), and central library visiting frequency at IPB (X22). Based on the regression of coefficient score, it showed that the Grade Point Average (GPA) of female college students were higher than male and college students who were graduated from State School (SMA) had higher Grade Point Average (GPA) than the college students who were graduated from Private School (SMK). Evidently, laptop ownership and access habits on social media had a positive influence on Grade Point Average (GPA), while the access habit on email had a negative influencing GPA. College student’s habit of using the internet to search for an electronic book/journal had a positive influence on GPA. It can be concluded that the use of the internet to search an electronic book/journal is a must to do to fulfill the learning or lectures needs, so that it could improve the students’ lecture material mastery and in the end this thing could also improve the student’s Grade Point Average (GPA). This condition was in contrast with the habit influence of internet usage to search an amusement and news searching. A college student at Diploma Program or Vocational School of IPB in the learning process, especially to fulfill the references requirement needs of the book, journal, and report to finish the study or thesis. The students got the references from the library, besides they were also found the sources from the internet.
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