The Influence of Job Insecurity on Pscyhological Well-Being of Outsourcing Employees
The era of the industrial revolution is growing from time to time. Changes made by the company can be successful if the people involved in the company support the change process. Outsourcing employees are also people involved in the company and need attention from the psychological well-being side. This study aims to analyze the effect of job insecurity on psychological well-being. Subjects in this study were 162 outsourcing employees at PT. INALUM (P ersero). This study uses three scales, namely the psychological well-being scale and the job insecurity scale. The data obtained were the analyze using simple regression. The results showed that job insecurity had an effect on psychological well-being. The implication of this research can provide an overview to the company that to improve psychological well-being of outsourcing employees can be done by paying attention to job insecurity of the outsourcing employees.
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