Effect Of Bacterial Strains And Mineral Nitrogen Fertilizer On Fresh And Dry Forage Yield Of Two Maize (Zea Mays L.) Genotypes In Summer And Winter Seasons
A field experiment was carried out during two successive summer and two winter seasons (2016/2017- 2017/2018), at the College of Agricultural Studies, Sudan University of Sciences and Technology, to assess the effect of bacterial strains, nitrogen and their combinations on fresh and dry forage yield. Treatments were distributed in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) in four replicates, which consisted of two maize genotypes (Hudibi2 (C1) and ZML309 (C2)). The form of two types of bacterial strains Bacillus megatherium var. phosphorous + Azotobacterspp +Azospirilliumspp (B1) and Bacillus megatherium var. phosphorous + Azotobacterspp + Flavobacteriumspp (B2), nitrogen applied at rates of 80kg/f (N) plus control. Parameters which were mustered plant height (cm) , number of leaves /plant , fresh and dry forage yield The results showed that the combinations of B1 and B2 with N increased fresh and dry forage yield compared to B1, B2 and N each alone at all seasons. The general trend was that combinations (B2+N) had significant effect of plant height, number of leaves/ plant, fresh and dry forage yield in all seasons. Moreover, statistical analysis appeared that performance of genotype C2 is better than genotype C1 in both summer and both winter seasons.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v24.2.2512
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