Individuals’ Behavioural Intention to Adopt Internet Banking System in Bangladesh- An Approach to Extend Technology Acceptance Model
The core purpose of this study is to investigate individuals’ behavioural intention to adopt internet banking services in Bangladesh. Importantly, this study aims to develop a conceptual framework based on previous literatures related to internet banking adoption using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with two additional constructs namely perceived enjoyment and social influence to determine internet banking adoption intention. A structured questionnaire was used to capture data from 326 citizens across Bangladeshi on the basis of convenience sampling. This study employed several statistical analyses (descriptive analysis, reliability test, correlation and regression analysis) to examine the predictors and their relationships with behavioural intention to adopt internet banking. The results reported that, perceived usefulness, social influence and perceived enjoyment were found significant predictors of individuals’ intention to adopt internet banking services in Bangladesh. The results also showed that the perceived usefulness has the highest significant impacts over social influence on the individual’s behavioural intention to adopt internet banking in this country. This study contributes theoretically to get an insight of extended TAM with perceived enjoyment and social influence for academic perspectives. Findings of the study can be beneficial for both government and private banks to improve their performances regarding enhancement of internet banking services in modern banking era.
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