The Effect of Perceived Organizational Support and Optimism on Job Insecurity in Contract Employees
This study aims to examine and analyze the impact of perceived organizational support and optimism on job insecurity for contract employees. A contract worker is a worker who makes a work agreement directly with the company where the employed and the work agreement is made for a certain time. Contract employees are generally given a work load similar to permanent employees and even heavier. However, the salary and facilities provided will be very different, including the provision of severance pay when the company is no longer use the services of contract labor. In this study data collected on 118 contract employees in Columbia Asia Hospital Medan and using Likert Scale for all variables. The result is that perceived organizational support has a negative and significant effect on job insecurity for contract employees. It means that the higher the perceived organizational support felt by employees, the lower the job insecurity felt by employees. The amount of the contribution of perceived organizational support and optimism together towards job insecurity is 43.2%.
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