Self-Healing Methods in Smart Grids
Today's power systems are based on Tesla's design principles developed in the 1880s and have evolved over time to become the present state. Although communication technology is developing very fast, the development of power systems has not been able to keep up with it. Because the structure of the power system used is often far behind and is unable to meet the needs of the 21st century. With the rapid development of today's technology, it has become possible to make the electricity network better by utilizing the computer and network technologies in the electricity networks. Thus, the electricity networks will provide a safe and uninterrupted energy to the consumers by providing bi-directional information and electricity flow. The grids that can do this are called smart grids. One of the most important features of smart grids is; in the event of a possible interruption or failure, continue to improve the self-healing energy flow. The main goal in self-healing is; to be effective against network breakdowns and at the same time to take security against network breakdowns. To be able to achieve this, the smart grid needs to do the following:
a) Quick and accurate detection of mains faults.b) Redistribution of network resources to protect the system from harmful effects.c) To ensure continuity of service in any positive or negative situation.d) The service is the most reduced of the self-renewal period.Various solutions have been proposed for the self-healing of the transmission network. This solution is recommended: optimal voltage control with genetic algorithm base, unified power flow controller (UPFC) and islanding process.Several solutions have been proposed for the self-healing of the distribution network. This solution is recommended: a new smart distribution grid based on the propulsion system, ant colony algorithm, a new multi-stakeholder control system (MACS) for intelligent distribution networks, fault location, isolation and service restoration (FLISR). Some methods have been developed to provide transient stability when self-healing is performed in the smart grids . These methods include; staking is the real-time monitoring and load-balancing method of the network using the phaser unit (PMU) following the generator rotor angles. In this study, the self-healing methods mentioned above are explained in detail in smart grids.
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