Traditional IMBO In The Middle Of The Sweet Cassiaverra: (Indigenous Institution Lekuk 50 Tumbi Lempur, Gunung Raya Sub-District, Kerinci Regency In Preservation Of Customary Forests 1960-2018)
Preservation of Imbo Adat in Lempur, Gunung Raya Sub-district, Kerinci Regency has changed, including management, utilization and supervision. This coincides with the sweetness and bitterness of the sweet skin price in the market. To describe this problem, a historical study is needed using the historical method, consisting of heuristics, source criticism, interpretation, and historiography. Also, to produce analytical work, an anthropological approach is used. Based on research conducted, the preservation of customary forests by the customary institution Lekuk 50 Tumbi Lempur in 1960-2018 experienced developments. The preservation of customary forests by the customary institution Lekuk 50 Tumbi Lempur is not only at one point of the customary forest but also develops with the preservation of culture and the environment which affects the preservation of the customary forest. This can be seen from the achievements of the Lekuk 50 Tumbi Lempur traditional institution in 2015 in obtaining the Kalpataru trophy at the national level in the category of saving the environment and becoming a natural tourism village with ecological authenticity.
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