Preliminary Study on River Water Change To Determine Map Datum of Musi River Palembang
On constructing a navigation map of river water, Map Datum Scale that is used will be dissimilar between headwaters and downstream. Map datum is a result of the calculation on water surface height where on the water surface of river water always changes according to the place and time. The changing of the river water surface is influenced by hydrology factors and the characters along the river stream and also a tidal factor. This final task studies the influences of the tide toward the height of river water level using the Admiralty Method. The data used is the data from 4 stations of water surface changing owned by PT. Pelindo II Palembang on the period of September 2019 till August 2020. The data of water surface height used to get the calculation of Harmonic Constant, mid hub, the value of Deficient Constant (Zo), and type of water surface change, by displaying the graphic on the station. The result of a calculation based on Harmonic Constant arises value of mid hub average station of Boom Baru 232 cm, Jaran Strait 283 cm, KampungUpang 310 cm, and TanjungBuyut 138 cm. The type of water surface changing in Boom Baru station is always single daily and in TanjungBuyut station is always mixed daily tended to single. Otherwise in Jaran Strait station and KampungUpang may vary. Water steep relating to the graphic is smaller toward the headwaters that matches with the Zo calculation result which is smaller to the headwaters.
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