The Effect of Resilience and Gratitude on Psychological Well-Being of male Afghanistan refugees in Medan
Abstract— Over the years Afghan refugees have been persecuted for reasons of ethnicity, religion, nationality, armed conflict and different political views. They left their country to get freedom and live in peace. They been waiting for resettlement almost for years. Afghan refugees in Medan, namely limitations in access to education, employment, health facilities, mobility and the process of transferring to a recipient country (resettlement) which is indefinite. This condition raises psychological problems such as anxiety, stress, hopelessness, depression and loss of life purpose. Meanwhile, availability of basic needs had a significant impact on the psychological well-being of refugees. The ability of refugees to adapt with stressful conditions is related to resilience. Resilience is seen as a level of success of the refugee's ability to bounce back from the traumatic experiences and able to coping with stress on the problems they had while waiting in the shelter such as isolation, losing hope for the future, waiting without certainty regarding resettlement. The purpose of this study is to get empirical data the effect of resilience and gratitude on the psychological well-being of male Afghanistan Refugee in Medan. This research used quantitative methods. A sample of 126 male Afghan Refugee was studied. Measuring instrument being used was Resilience scale made by Connor & Davidson (CDRISC–25), Gratitude scale made by McCullough M, E (GQ-6) and Ryff’s Scales of psychological well-being 42 Item version formatted. Result of this study show that resilience and gratitude had a correlation value (R) .469 on psychological well-being, with F value 17.302 and Sig .000. This mean resilience and gratitude had significant effect on psychological well-being of male Afghanistan refugees in Medan.
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