Determination Of Prospective Coconut Processed Products To Developed In Sungai Geringging Sub-District Padang Pariaman District

Rahma Dzulqa, Gunarif Taib, Rika Ampuh Hadiguna


Coconut is a plantation commodity that has a lot of economic value. Almost all parts of coconut have benefits for various agro-industrial purposes, therefore coconut can be used as an agro industry that has high potential market. Sungai Geringging sub-district is the highest coconut producer district in Padang Pariaman District. Based on internal and external analysis of coconut agro industry in this sub-district, the products that have been pursued by the surrounding community are VCO, copra and shell charcoal. The purpose of this research is to determine prospective coconut processed products to be developed in Sungai Geringging Sub-district Padang Pariaman District. Determination of criteria and alternative coconut processed products were analyzed from interviews with respondents who were considered to understand the coconut agro industry. The number of respondents as many as 3 people. Data is processed used Analytical Hierarchy Process method and Expert Choice 11 software. From several criteria resulting raw materials and the market is the criteria with the highest weight in determining the prospective coconut processed products that can be developed, while for alternative coconut processed products that are prospective to be developed is VCO products where this product has the highest weight value in almost all criteria.


AHP, Coconut Agroindustry, Coconut Products, Coconut Shell Charcoal and Copra

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