Development Module Biology Learning Completely by Conceptual Map for Student Grade XI of Senior High School

Elsa Harkhian Putri, Ramadhan Sumarmin, Linda Advinda


The Handbook that used by the SMAN 1 Tarusan students have some disadvantages such as presentation of the material still less complete, images contained in the Handbook are less attractive as the image presented in black and white, and the student handbook has not lead students to learn independently. With the condition of the materials of make students less interested in reading the book. For addressing reviews those problems then a charged Biology learning module suplemented with conceptual map.

This research used IDI model which consists of three stages, define, develop, and evaluate. In the define stage, have analysis of curriculum, the material, and the  students.  In the development stage module design is done, after that module validation by the lecture. The module practicalities was taken by the practicalities questionnaire of teacher and students, andthe efficacy evaluated from the students competence.

The results showed that of Biology suplement by conceptual map obtained very valid category with a value of 82.14%. The practicalities of category by teacher’s is very practical with a value of 86.25% and practicalities of category by students is very practical with a value of 83.29%. The modules developed have been effective in term of student’s competence. It can  concluded that the learning module development of Biology suplemented by  conceptual map for student grade XI semester II senior high school were valid, practical, and effective.



Biology Module, Conceptual Map, Eficacy, Practicality, Validity

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