The Influence of Organizational Climate on Knowledge Sharing Intention in PT PLN Main Development Unit of North Sumatera
Knowledge resources are closely related to human resources which are the most important assets and intellectual capital of an organization. It also need to be managed in order to respond the increasingly dynamic of management, organization and information technology conditions. Various factors can influence employees’ knowledge sharing intention, such as organizational climate. Organizational climate have an important role to understanding organizational member’s attitudes and behaviors. A pleasant organizational climate will have a positive impact to the organization, such as pro-social behavior, namely knowledge sharing. This study aims to determined the influence of organizational climate on employees’ knowledge sharing intention. This study involved 180 employees in PT PLN Main Development Unit of North Sumatera. Measuring instruments used in this study are knowledge sharing intention questionaire, and the organizational climate questionnaire. The result of multiple regression analysis with SPSS 19.0 shows that organizational climate has a positive and significant effect toward knowledge sharing intention. The implication of this research can help companies maintaing the workteam in each department to work together in conducting regular knowledge sharing program activities, and should be able to become a facilitator so that increase good communication and quality relationships among employees or between supervisor and subordinates, and also increase employees’ knowledge sharing intention with able to provide rewards or positive treatment to employees.
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