The Role of Coffee Based Agroforestry System to Regional Development in Dairy Regency

John Anderson Parulian Nainggolan


The main purpose of this study is to analyze the role of coffee-based agroforestry system in the economy of Dairi Regency, to determine the effect of coffee agroforestry on the development of Dairi Regency. The method used is descriptive analysis and quantitative analysis by using multiple regression. The data used is primary data by distributing questionnaires to 98 respondents and secondary data from the Central Bureau of Statistics of Dairi Regency. The results showed that coffee-based agroforestry system contributed 41.43% to harvested area, and 53.80% of coffee-based agroforestry system production. Coffee-based agroforestry system affects farmers' income in Sumbul District of Dairi Regency. Increasing production, selling price, agroforestry and land area will influence the change of community income in Sumbul sub-district by 1,933,673,66, - rupiah/month, which is bigger than the MSE of Dairi Regency in 2016 of 1,800,000.- indicates that production, selling price, agroforestry and coffee plant area have a significant effect on people's income. That is, any increase in production, selling price, agroforestry and coffee plant area will increase people's income. Coffee-based agroforestry systems have a positive impact on the development of the Sumbul Subdistirict region, Dairi regency. This can be seen from the backward linkage, such as the development of agricultural production facilities and forward linkage, the establishment of coffee milling business and the development of coffee culinary business in Dairi Regency.


Production; Selling Price; Coffee-Based Agroforestry System; Income; Regional Development

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