The Comparison Study Of Cathodic Protection System Of Victim Anoda Between Zink Anoda (Zn) And Aluminum Anoda (Al)

Sutrisno Sutrisno, Avando Bastari, Okol Sri Suharyo


One of the biggest sources of damage from the hull and underwater ship body is caused by seawater corrosion. Corrosion in the hull plates can result in reduced strength and lifetime of the ship and reduce the safety and security guarantees of the crew and the weapons contained. Therefore, to avoid greater losses due to seawater corrosion, corrosion protection on the hull plates is needed. To protect the hull plates from corrosion, there are 2 methods are used, first is passive protection (coating) and active protection (cathodic protection). The cathodic protection method that is often used is the sacrificial anode system, the principle of this sacrificial anode method is to protect the hulled metal by sacrificing other, more reactive metals, it is mean that there will be an electron transfer from the metal that is the more reactive (potentially more negative) sacrificed to the protected metal hull (the more positive potential) through corrosive electrolytes with the connecting conductor. While the type of sacrificial anode used is zinc anode (Zn) and aluminum anode (Al). This study aims to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of the anode stim that has been installed in KRI TJA-541 for the needs of the sacrificial anode both in technical and economic terms which are then compared with theoretical calculation results concerning the DNV RP-B401 standard. The results of calculations from field observations show that the thickness of the KRI TJA-541 coating is 150-250 µm and is in category II (DNV RP-B401) with a requirement of Zn 439 Kg or Al 153 Kg. Whereas the currently installed Zn is 1424 kg, so it can be concluded that the use of the DNV RP -B401 standard especially using Aluminum (Al) type anodes will be very beneficial both from a technical and technical perspective economical.


Cathodic protection, Sacrificial anode, DNV RP-B401.

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