Analysis of Space Utilization in Development Planning in Serdang Bedagai Regency (Case Study: Rice Farming Cultivation)

Christiani Panjaitan


Unsuitable spatial utilization can lead to development disproportion with the environmental sustainability, inadequate spatial use and decrease in the quality of space. The utilization of space in rice farming cultivation in Serdang Bedagai regency in the development planning shows that the effort to improve the utilization of spatial plan especially in rice farming cultivation is very necessary.  The aim of the research is to know how far the spatial  utilization of rice farming cultivation, to know land use conversion in rice farming and inhibiting factors of exploiting spatial planning development of rice farming cultivation in Serdang Bedagai regency. Descriptive and descriptive analysis method is done to know suitability of space utilization according to Spatial Plan Area. The results showed that there has been an increase in the allocation of wet land conversion by 1.26% as in the construction of toll road projects, oil palm plantations, crops (such as cassava and corn), settlements and other sectors. However, it is not significant with rice production in 2013 to 2016 which is increasing because it is supported from APBD funds of Agriculture and Irrigation Service with the development of agricultural infrastructure such as providing irrigation networks, ditch construction, road construction and intensification of agriculture by providing funding assistance to purchase paddy seeds, targets of subsidized fertilizers and forming farmer groups.


Utilization of Agricultural Space, Land Use Conversion, Space Utilization barrier

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