Problem Analysis And Needs Electronic Student Worksheet Based On Android Biology Material In SMAN 3 Padang
The development of technology has resulted in various types of smartphones. Smartphones android is used by various circles of society, especially among students in high school. Smartphone users among students can provide challenges as well as opportunities for teachers to optimally utilize technology for learning activities. One of the optimizations of smartphones is the creation of electronic student worksheet (e-worksheet) which can be accessed by smartphones android. E-worksheet is android expected to be a solution to overcome the problems of students regarding their dependence on the use of smartphones. The purpose of this study is to describe the problems and needs of e-worksheet android in schools. This type of research is descriptive research. The method used is data collection consisting of the results of interviews, questionnaire results of problems, and needs. Based on data analysis, the results of this study are:1) students at SMAN 3 Padang are allowed to use smartphones at school. 2) Students are more active in using smartphones to socialize through social media, games, and browsing compared to learning activities. 3). Students use the dominant smartphone usage time between two to four hours of the day 4) Students agree if there is learning material in the form of e-worksheet based android at school. 5) students agree if e-worksheet based android consisting of componets e-worksheet equipped with pictures and videos. 6) students agree if e-worksheet is based on android equipped with biological material and displayed interesting pictures and videos to make it easier to understand the material.
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