Validity of Student Work Sheet Based Mind Map on Learning Materials of Matter Classifications and Organism Classifications for VII Grade SMPN Students

Rendi Mulki, Dwi Hilda Puteri, Abdul Razak


Education is a human right that must be fulfilled by everyone. Through education, people can be better in facing the challenges and problems in life. Educational quality can be improved by some strategies, like the choosing of the right learning approach in learning process and selecting learning materials suitable with learning objectives and students’ characteristics. One strategy and learning materials that can support learning process in classroom is applying student work sheet based mind map. The research aimed at developing student work sheet based mind map to SMPN class VII students and knowing its validity criteria. It was a development research with Instructional Development Institute (IDI) model. The validity of the student work sheet bases mind map was obtained from validity result by using expert validity sheets done by 3 experts. The result of the research showed that score of didactic requirements is 81,25% with the criteria was valid; score of construct requirements was 83,33% with the criteria was valid; score of technical requirements was 86,45%, which mean it was valid; the score of language requirements was 85,41%, which mean it was valid; and the average score of all requirements is 84,11%, which mean it was valid. The student work sheet based mind map is successful to be developed with the validity criteria was valid. In addition, it is hoped that the student work sheet can be used as learning materials that help students improve their competence in cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.


Validity, Student Work Sheet, Mind Map

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