The Relevance of Local Historical Events in Building National Identities: Identification in the History Learning Curriculum in Indonesia
This study aims to describe the relevance of local history in building national identity, in terms of the history curriculum in Indonesia. The local history analyzed is local history in West Sumatra. This research is a type of qualitative research, using the library research method. Data obtained from sources; Local historical events books that have been written by historians, Indonesian history textbooks, and articles in scientific journals. The data is then analyzed through reduction, presentation, and concluding. The results showed that the local history of West Sumatra has relevance in building a national identity. Several local historical events in West Sumatra that have relevance in building national identity are 1) the history of the resistance of the West Sumatran people against the arrival of the Allied Forces/NICA (Netherlands Civil Administration); 2) the history of the formation of the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI); 3) the struggle of the people in the interior of West Sumatra during the PDRI period; 4) the history of the formation of the Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PRRI) in West Sumatra; and 5) armed conflict during the PRRI era in West Sumatra.
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