An Assessment of Bank Customers’ intention to use internet banking: The Role of Service Quality
This study was aimed at assessing the behavioural intention to use internet banking among bank customers. The study adopted the survey research design based on quantitative approach. Data was collected from 406 bank customers in Bauchi and Gombe states, North-east Nigeria using the convenience sampling technique. Structured questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection and 403 responses were retrieved back and found fit for the analysis. The collected questionnaire was analysed using multiple regression. The result of the analysis revealed that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and reliability have significant positive effect on the behavioural intention to use internet banking service. The study therefore concluded that, banks that intend to increase the adoption rate of their internet banking platforms should focus more on making it easy for users/customers to use and the internet banking service should focused more on providing benefits to customers. In addition, marketing communications should not overlook the important role of role models and peers that influence intention decisions of customers.
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