Characterization and Differentiation of some Clinical Isolates from Urine
E. coli is mostly a non-harmful bacterium which lives in the intestines of humans and animals. Some strains of this bacterium cause diseases to their hosts that require medical attention. Children are the most vulnerable group and urine samples from those attended the outpatient clinics at Mansoura University, Egypt were used to isolate E. coli. The seventeen isolates were subjected to primary identification by Gram staining, growth on MacConkey agar media, and then followed by biochemical identification using catalase test, indole, methyl red, Vogas-Proskauer, and citrate tests. Comparison of the protein profiles helped in the process of differentiation and characterization of the seventeen isolates. Some of the selected isolates were subjected to the three tests of coliform and E. coli test (Multiple-tube method (MPN), confirmed test and completed test). All the E. coli isolates were Gram-negative, short-rod, produced bright pink colonies on MacConkey agar, catalase positive, indole and methyl red positives, while, they were negatives to Vogas-Proskauer and citrate tests. After the protein profile, six isolates were selected for further studies. All six isolates indicated a positive MPN test, characteristic metallic sheen colonies on the Eosine Methylene Blue (EMB) agar within the confirmed test.
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