The Influence of School Principal Supervision and School Committee Participation on the Quality of Junior High School Education
This study analyzed the effect of principal supervision and school committee participation on the quality of education at SMP Negeri in Prabumulih Barat. The method in this research was a quantitative method with a survey approach. The sample used in this study were teachers in 2 State Junior High Schools in Prabumulih Barat. The data analysis technique was carried out with the help of the SPSS For Windows Version 21 program. The results showed that 1) there was a significant effect of school principal supervision on the quality of education at the State Junior High Schools in Prabumulih Barat District, the contribution of the influence was 11.7%; 2) there is a significant effect of school committee participation on the quality of education of the State Junior High Schools in Prabumulih Barat District, the contribution of the influence is 5.5%; 3) there is a significant effect of the supervision of the principal and the participation of the school committee together on the quality of education of the State Junior High School in Prabumulih Barat District, the contribution of the influence that is contributed is 11.7%, 16.7%, while 83.3% is influenced by factors which were not included in this study.
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