A Study of Consumers’ Perception in Relation to Green Products in North Macedonia
There is no question that consumers are changing the way they buy. A variety of societal factors are driving consumers to increasingly seek out unique and differentiated products that fit their lifestyle. One of acclaimed social factors would be growing recognition and attention toward environmentally friendly products, so is called “green products”.
Because of the environmental hazards concerning to poor biodegradability that non-green products cause, the interest and awareness of green products has constantly been on the increase. By understanding the way consumers perceive external information and their values-driven behavior, we would be in a good position to formulate sound marketing strategy. We believe that consumer behavior can best be understood through a segmentation model with regard to knowing what they buy, how they buy, and why they buy, requiring going beyond demographics and studying how they live.
Our objective, therefore, is to collect suitable information about perception in relation to lifestyle toward green products to have a better understanding of consumer behaviour, throughout utilizing the field research methodology by formulating focus groups.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v23.1.2248
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