Analysis of the Implementation of Higher Order Thinking Skills and Literacy Of Junior High School Student Of Pekanbaru

Sartika Tin Kartini, Ramadhan Sumarmin


Critical thinking skills in the world of work are a major need, this has meaning in our world of education so that it can be a map of the needs of students in the future , namely the importance of developing critical, creative thinking skills and mastering Higher Order Thinking Skills. Higher order thinking skills can improve the reading culture of students, with this it is hoped that all teachers are able to integrate literacy culture activities in their learning activities so that they can improve students' critical thinking skills which in turn affect the effectiveness of learning outcomes. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the implementation of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) and the literacy of junior high school students. This research was conducted by direct observation and interviews with several junior high school teachers in Pekanbaru City. The results showed that the use of high-order thinking-based questions in Junior High School in Pekanbaru City was classified as “minimal”, namely 15% of the total questions for high-grade schools, 10% for middle-grade schools, and <5% for low-grade schools. . The percentage of students' reading comprehension skills is very low, especially in questions in the form of essays, tables, analysis and problem solving, namely around 50% of high grade students, 40% of middle grade students, and <30% of low grade students. The results of this study are expected to be input in order to improve the quality of science learning in junior high schools


Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), literacy, students.

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