Validaty of Teaching Materials Based on Problem Based Learning Using Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach to Improve Critical Thinking

Yosa Aulya Putri, Yohandri Yohandri


This article discusses the analysis of the results of the validation of physics teaching materials based on a problem-based learning model using the CTL approach to improve students' critical thinking skills. The validation was carried out by three experts at Padang State University. The experts are one language lecturer and two physics lecturers. The validation of teaching materials was carried out to know the validity and feasibility of teaching materials used to improve students' critical thinking skills in schools. This research is development research that aims to develop products in the form of physics teaching materials. The instrument used in this study was the validation sheet for teaching materials. The aspects assessed on the Physics teaching material validation sheet instrument are the components of teaching materials, the feasibility of the content of teaching materials, construction of teaching materials, the language of teaching materials, and the graphic of teaching materials. This research uses descriptive statistical methods. The stages in this research are prepared in the form of designing and developing validation instruments, implementing in the form of collecting validation data, and completing the form of data analysis reports. The data analysis in this study used Aiken's V. formula. This formula consists of two categories, namely valid and invalid. The results of the analysis in this study indicate that the teaching materials are in the Valid category and can be used in the field.


Contextual teaching and learning, Validation, Critical Thinking, Problem Based learning, Teaching Materials

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