Validity of teaching materials based on the inquiry based learning model with the CTL approach to improve students' creative thinking skills
In compliance with the mandate of the 2013 curriculum, physics learning is carried out, meaning students are actively pursuing their own expertise. School facts indicate that physics inquiry instruction has not been adequately applied, and the use of instructional materials is also insufficient to facilitate the learning process. A solution that can be done is to make teaching materials based on an inquiry based learning model with the CTL approach to improve students' creative thinking. The purpose of this study was to produce and determine the validity of teaching materials based on the inquiry based learning model with the CTL approach to improve students' creative thinking. The research carried out includes the type of Research and development (R&D). The object of this research is teaching materials based on the inquiry based learning model with the CTL approach to improve students' creative thinking. Based on the data analysis that has been done, it can be stated that the research results show that the validity of the product has a high level of validity with an average validation value of teaching materials based on the inquiry based learning model with the CTL approach to improve students' creative thinking by 0.837 with valid criteria. It can be concluded that in this research, the validation of teaching materials based on the inquiry based learning model with the CTL approach to improve students' creative thinking is valid for use in physics learning for class XI semester 1 students.
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