A Review on the Sustainability of Sugarcane Bagasse Ash as a Supplementary Cementitious Material
The manufacturing process of cement results in the depletion of limited natural resources, consumption of excess energy and also leads to significant levels of carbon dioxide emission in the atmosphere. Consequently, researchers all over the World are concentrating their efforts in finding alternative materials that can replace cement on the long run. In this view, the focus has been turned onto utilising sugarcane bagasse ash as a source of raw and eco-friendly substitute material. Moreover, the possibility of using sugarcane bagasse ash in concrete have long been debated. The outcome of the experiments have showed positive and encouraging results especially for the mechanical and durability properties of concrete samples. The substitution of sugarcane bagasse ash in concrete would not only provide an economic relief, but also help to create a sustainable and pollution-free environment as the disposing of this waste creates many inconveniences to living organism.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v23.1.2181
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