Test of Hortonian Laws Using Bivariate Relationship with Basin Mophormetric Data of Udi-Agwu Questa Enugu State Nigeria – Remote Sensing and GIS Approach
The study used tools of GIS and remotely sensed enhanced multi-spectral data of Digital Elevation Model (DEM,), Landsat ETM+ digital Image and aerial photos Arc GIS and Arc Hydra Wizard softwares were used is to generate hydrologic mmps for basin morphometric properties to evaluate parameters (Indices,) in Udi-Awgu Cuesta Regions, South Eastern Nigeria. The analyses was carried out using digitized hydrological maps geo referenced using 4 points (resampled and merged) and the sub map of the study area extracted and incorporated into the GIS spatial data base environment. The interpreted images were superimposed to create appropriate information platform to determining the morphometric properties and parameters using generated hydrological maps; analyzed, interpreted and classified at sub basins level using water divided concept. The mapping of the drainage networks was followed by ground truthing for confirmation with field observations undertaken during pre and post interpretative phases with elements of colour, tone, shape, pattern, shadow, site and association.. There is increased networks observed in the enhanced data evaluated for ETM and DEM than aerial photos due to higher resolutions. Generally there are major implications of the entire properties and parameters are represented. The data obtained with or without enhancement through manual or digital analysis, conform to the morphometric laws especially the laws of drainage composition (stream numbers, stream length and stream slope), basin area, basin relief and contributing areas though, the increased networks in the enhanced data (measured or evaluated) deviate graph plots, gradients and regression values
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v23.1.2152
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