Principal Leadership Policy in Improving Instructional Quality

Rustam Effendi, Bukman Lian, Artanti Puspita Sari


This study identified the principal's leadership policies in improving the quality of student’s learning. The research was conducted at SD Negeri 10 Betung, Banyuasin Regency. The type of research is a qualitative descriptive study. The interviews, documentation, and observation were conducted. The results obtained that the principal's policies in improving the quality of student learning are 1) formulating a vision, mission, and goals; 2) creating an organizational structure and staff duties; 3) providing motivation to teachers, staff and students; 4) supervising education; 5) completing facilities and infrastructure; 6) providing educational and training opportunities; 7) giving awards to outstanding students; 8) improving school status; 9) seeking teachers who have not been certified. The results of the research show that the policies carried out by the principal can improve the quality of student’s learning.

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