Principal's Managerial Skill in Producing Effective Schools

Delinah Delinah, Muhammad Kristiawan, Destiniar Destiniar


This study aimed at (1) determining the managerial influence of school principals in planning effective schools in SD Negeri 1 Babat, Babat Toman District; (2) understanding the managerial influence of school principals in organizing effective schools; (3) understanding the managerial influence of school principals in directing effective schools, and (4) understanding the managerial influence of school principals in controlling effective schools. This study used a qualitative method. The informant of this research is the principal of SD Negeri 1 Babat and all teachers of SD Negeri 1 Babat. Data were collected using observation, interview and documentation. The results showed that there was a principal managerial influence in producing an effective school as seen from the planning, organization, direction and control carried out by the principal.

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