Deturbidization of Pharmaceutical Industry Wastewater Using Natural Coagulant: Response Surface Methodology Applied
Mucuna prurien seed, a feedstock for an eco-friendly coagulant used to deturbidize pharmaceutical Industry wastewater was investigated via response surface methodology (RSM) . This was carried out at different operating conditions such as coagulation pH (X1: 1 - 13), coagulant dosage (X2: 0.1 – 0.7g/l) and setting time (X3: 2 – 40mins). The experimental data were fitted to appropriate kinetic model, and the following results were obtained, coagulation rate constant K = 2.18E-04 (l/g.min) coagulation period τ ½ = 0.33min at coagulant dosage of 0.1g/l. Subsequently, the experimental data were also fitted to a second order polynomial equation using regression analysis and ANOVA to examine the adequacy of the developed mathematical model.
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) demonstrated that the contribution of the quadratic model was significant for the response.
The optimization result gave 98.97% as turbidity removal efficiency at the optimal conditions of pH 13, dosage of 0.1g/l and the settling time of 40 mins. The experimental and predicted values were in close agreement. Based on the foregoing, it was suggested that mucuna prurien seed could be a potential natural coagulant for turbidity removal in pharmaceutical industry wastewater.
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