The Principal’s Leadership in Improving the Quality of Education

Tri Hastuti, Muhammad Kristiawan, Mulyadi Mulyadi


The principal has an important role in improving the quality of education. The research objective was to describe the principal's strategy in improving teacher performance at SD Negeri 8 Prabumulih. The results showed that in line with the important role given to schools at SD Negeri 8 Prabumulih, namely improving the quality of human resources (HR), his role as the principal in carrying out his function must be able to provide quality educational services to human resources, because of the leadership carried out by the principal must be oriented towards the quality of the leadership concerned. Principals are said to be qualified as leadership who always wants the best. Leadership quality basically affects the quality improvement process, in which leaders try to influence teachers to do what the principal deems important. Principals who aim at quality include three managerial functions, including planning, control, and quality improvement. The principal at SD Negeri 8 Prabumulih applies leadership qualities will share responsibilities, continuous improvement, provide materials and tools as they are needed by teachers in the teaching and learning process. In quality leadership, the principal should remove the obstacles faced, which can hinder the successful implementation of a better quality education.

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